Explore our Game Worlds

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World of Atlantis - Plethwih

World of Atlantis - Plethwih

Plethwih is the world-setting created by Ravek Hunter for his series of Fantasy Novels - The Broken Pithos Saga. Set around 15,000 BC, during the Younger Dryas, this is a world at a time when the legendary city of Atlantis rose to prominence alongside other fabled cities and places of ancient lore. As in the novels, the D&D5e game version of this world allows players to explore Plethwih to its fullest, painting a vivid picture of its unique peoples, societies and cultures that are unforgettable!

To find out more about Ravek's fantasy novels, visit www.ravekhunter.com

ravek, hunter, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dungeon master

World of Greyhawk - The Flanaess - Oerth

World of Greyhawk - The Flanaess - Oerth

The World of Greyhawk, also known as Greyhawk, was developed in the early 1970s by E. Gary Gygax as the campaign setting for his newly conceived game, Dungeons and Dragons. The world is based on the eastern parts of the continent of Oerik, with the largest city and hub of the Greyhawk campaigns being the Free City of Greyhawk. Over the past 50 years, more content has been written and developed for this world than all the other D&D worlds combined. This is the world Gary and his friends played. This is the world where the greatest adventures of all time were based. This is the world that will inspire and capture the imagination more than any other!

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